Divorce is something you want to get right. Do-overs are quite tricky and in some cases not legally possible. Sometimes a divorce is simple enough that you can do the work on your own with the help of a lawyer (like me!) behind the scenes going over the forms and walking you through the process. I’m more than happy to provide this kind of help when I can. This is a limited-scope representation.
Other times limited-scope representation doesn’t make sense. You want to make sure you cover everything and aren’t being taken advantage of. There is real property, retirement accounts, investment accounts, spousal support, and equalizing judgments to figure out, and that doesn’t even cover if you have kids and you have to address custody, parenting time, and child support. And if things aren’t amicable, having an attorney as a buffer through this process can be invaluable.
I welcome tricky fact patterns and wading into the unknown to figure out how to turn a marriage of more than emotion (it is stuff, finances, children, pets, and more) into two separate lives. Sometimes it requires creativity and thinking outside of the box. It often requires stamina to make it to the end. But it is worth it. Getting to the final Judgment that my clients feel good about and can live with long after I am out of the picture is what keeps me going. .
Unsure of what makes sense for you? Schedule a consultation. Bring those questions. And we can dig in and I will be honest with you about what type of representation I would recommend, as well as what we can do with what you are able to afford. And if I don’t think I’m the right lawyer for you, I have a handful of names I am more than happy to pass over and refer you to.
Unmarried Parents - Custody, Parenting Time, and Child Support
Whether you are freshly separated or have been separated for some time (or maybe you were never together except for that one time), it’s a good idea to solidify legal custody, a parenting plan, and (maybe) child support.
As a parent I care deeply about parenting plans. I believe that if you can create a document both parents agree on, you are starting out in a good place. It’s easy to get sloppy with parenting plans or say that you will just figure it out or stay flexible. I believe that people can be their best, but I believe more we have to prepare for the times when people aren’t at their bests, or there are just miscommunications. So I work hard with my clients to go through all the potential scenarios not only with the parenting schedule, but everything else that goes into parenting these kids. I love being an attorney. But I love being a parent more, and the work we do as parents is one of the most important jobs we will ever have. So when I get a chance, you better believe I’m going to roll up my sleeves for you and your family to make sure you are on your best footing with your new parenting plan.
I can handle this from top to bottom, or I can help you fill out the forms and provide you legal advice in a limited-service capacity.
Nothing lasts forever. Hence, modification.
Time to terminate or modify spousal support? I can handle that matter.
Need to respond to the other party’s motion to terminate or modify child support? I can handle that matter.
Time to modify provisions regarding custody, parenting time, or child support? I can handle that matter.
Need to respond to the other party’s motion to modify custody, parenting time, or child support? I can handle that matter.
Prenuptial Agreements, Postnuptial Agreements, & Cohabitation Agreements
While I mainly handle divorces and modification, I also handle varios agreements that coincide with family law and the litigation work I do. In my practice I see many disagreements that could be avoided with prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreement, and cohabitation agreements. I see how much money is spent on lawyers to solve these disagreements. Not everything can be included in one of these agreements, but a lot can. You might be surprised at how inexpensive a prenuptial agreement, postnuptial agreemnet, or cohabitation agreement is.
So if you are getting married, moving in with a partner, or want to discuss postnuptial agreemnets, schedule a consultation to discuss what that would mean for you. I have handled both sides: drafting the prenuptial agreement and representing the non-drafting party through the process.
Other Areas
If there is a small matter that requires legal attention that you think I might be able to help you with, please contact me and we and discuss whether or not I might be able to provide assistance.